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What's Blocking You From Having More

Influence & Social Success?

Top #YouTubeShorts

These High-Value

Behaviors Draw People In (4m)

Avoid These

Body Language Mistakes (5m)

Avoid These

Body Language Mistakes (5m)

Breaking The Ice with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere (14m)

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Discover your X-Factor, unlock your potential and WIN at work, love & life!

Become the most confident, successful & happy you

Why does it seem effortless for some people to make strong connections with people, while others struggle just to make the right impression?

Why does it seem effortless for some people to make strong connections with people, while others struggle just to make the right impression?

What members are saying

Matt B
Revenue from my Facebook ads agency has tripled. My social circle has exploded and I’ve even launched a brand new business on Amazon selling athletic products.
David C
I always knew there was more to life - I feel like I have superpowers! I finally became head of my department and the skills I grew inside XFA have been invaluable to my success.

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Art of Charm Co-Founders

AJ Harbinger & Johnny Dzubak

Over the last 15+ years, we’ve shown more than 9,000 coaching clients of all backgrounds — from students and everyday executives to professional athletes, military special ops and more — how to uncover their unique “cheat code” and put themselves in the fast lane for becoming the person they desire.

We coach our students how to create an extraordinary life of influence and social success — both personally and professionally.

At a time when so many struggle with self-esteem and social challenges…

We give people the confidence and clarity to go after what they want.

Top Podcast Episodes

The Art of Overcoming

Self Doubt and Fear

How to Stop

Self Sabotage

How to Stop

Self Sabotage

How To Find Your Purpose

With A Simple Mindset Shift

Art of Charm Co-Founders

AJ Harbinger and Johnny Dzubak

Art of Charm Co-Founders

AJ Harbinger and Johnny Dzubak

Over the last 15 years, we’ve shown more than 9,000 coaching clients of all backgrounds — from students and everyday executives to professional athletes, military special ops and more — how to uncover their unique “cheat code” and put themselves in the fast lane for becoming the person they desire.

This work led us to create the Influence Index™. So you can gain instant clarity about your personal mindset and, when needed, change how others see you in social situations.

What’s your level of influence?

Take this FREE 5-minute quiz to find out your level of influence

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